Sunday, September 6, 2009


City Slickers is aiming to support the One Life cause. We therefore give the artists the choice to contribute the profits of their sold work to the One Life cause.As we feel that we have a social responsibility within our society, it seemed to be a good idea to become involved in the one life cause.


One Life is a project that aims at improving living conditions of the under privelidged. As we know a great percentage of South Africa's society has living conditions which are beyond humane.As shelter is a great concern, it is an important factor of our social condition that needs to be addressed. One Life is a project initiated by 3rd place, which takes action to improve these conditions. Once the sufficient amount to erect a RDP house is raised (R.8000-), a group of people come together to build new housing for one of the many individuals or families in great need.As soon as enough resources are collected to build another one , the process continues.Thus, despite the fact that it is impossible to overcome all the overwhelming poverty we experience all around us, it is in fact possible to change one life at a time! for more info read this.


for more info please mail me at